Friday, May 4, 2018

Introducing Colors to a Toddler

Yesterday, Baby Bear had her 24-month doctor visit. She is 25% for height, 50% for weight and 75% for head circumference. Her communication skills are right on track, and she is only a little behind in gross and fine motor skills. They can barely tell she was a six week early premie.

Mommy's Big Girl

And since she is communicating so well and currently in the "What's that?" phase, I have decided it's a good time to start teaching her colors. I'm sure we will be putting her markers to good use very soon, but for right now, we are starting with a book. 

Years ago, my first grade teacher told me that books were the gateway to learning, and  I plan to pass that knowledge onto Baby Bear. We have read Red Car, Green Car 4 times today. Hannah loves pulling the tab to make each car change to the color featured on the next page. I like that there is a little story to go along with the colors and not just a list of random objects. 

For the next couple of weeks, we will be primarily focusing on the color red. I will be sharing our favorite books and activities, so that you and your toddler can follow along if you wish. For now I am off to work, and she is off to bed. 

Have a great night,

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